القائمة الرئيسية


The President of the Arab Parliament calls on the international community to reject the racist bill to settle and finance settlement outposts in the occupied Palestinian territories

His Excellency Mr. Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al-Asoumi, Speaker of the Arab Parliament, called on the international community to reject the racist bill to settle and finance settlement outposts in the occupied Palestinian territories after the Israeli Knesset approved the first reading of this bill, which provides for binding the various ministries in the government of the occupying power (Israel Providing all settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank with infrastructure services in order to legitimize them.


In letters addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the President of the European Parliament, the President of the Arab Parliament affirmed the Arab Parliament's rejection of the bill as an explicit challenge to international legitimacy resolutions, especially UN Security Council Resolution No. 2334 of 2016, which emphasized its invalidity and illegality. All forms of settlement in all the occupied Palestinian territories, including the city of Jerusalem, calling on the international community to shoulder its legal and humanitarian responsibilities, to take firm measures to protect the rights of the Palestinian people, and to confront these racist and hostile human rights decisions, which violate international law and challenge legitimacy decisions, and threaten the two-state solution agreed It internationally.

In his speeches, the President of the Arab Parliament stressed the need to take the necessary measures to reject the draft law on "settlement and financing" settlement outposts and other racist legislation that waste the right of the Palestinian people, and to pressure the government and the Israeli Knesset to immediately stop continuing to legitimize the occupation policy, which is a clear violation of international law. And international legitimacy decisions.
