القائمة الرئيسية


The Arab Parliament participates in the third joint meeting between the United Nations and the International Parliament Union to discuss developing model legislation to support and protect the rights of victims of terrorism

In response to the invitation received from the Inter-Parliamentary Union to the Arab Parliament to participate in the third joint meeting between the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations Office for Counter-Terrorism on the topic of support and protection of the rights of victims of terrorism, which was held virtually, and based on the decision of His Excellency Mr. Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al-Asoumi, President of the Arab Parliament, participated His Excellency Dr. Salem bin Al-Hashemi Labayed, Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Political Affairs and National Security Committee of the Arab Parliament, at this meeting, as part of a series of meetings organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, to reach unified model legislation to support and protect the rights of victims of terrorism and compensate them.

During the discussions, the participants reviewed their experiences at the national, regional and international levels in assisting and supporting victims of terrorism and the challenges they faced in this regard, as well as exchanging views on presenting concrete proposals to develop model legislative provisions related to the assistance and support of these victims, including their rehabilitation.

His Excellency Dr. Salem bin Al-Hashemi Labayed delivered an intervention on behalf of the Arab Parliament, in which he emphasized that Arab countries are the ones who have suffered the most from the phenomenon of terrorism, and therefore are among the societies that have victims of terrorism, pointing to the multiplicity of mechanisms for Arab countries dealing with these victims, which adds Great importance is given to the main topic of this meeting and the meetings that preceded it, regarding reaching unified model legislation that includes international best practices in support of assistance to victims of terrorist operations.

In his intervention, he stressed that the Arab Parliament attaches great importance to this issue, and stressed in the comprehensive document on combating terrorism and extremism that it adopted in February 2018, the need to enact legislation at the Arab and national levels to ensure the care and support of victims of terrorist operations, and to establish Arab funds to protect and support victims of terrorism and to put in place mechanisms Effective to regulate its action.

He added that the Arab Parliament will work during the current session to prepare a guiding draft law to support and compensate victims of terrorism, based on the proposal approved by the Council of Arab Justice Ministers on November 12, 2018, which stipulated an important set of mechanisms, including the establishment of a committee to assess compensation for victims of terrorism. Terrorist crimes in every Arab country, provided that the competent committees determine the amount of compensation for each case. It also stipulated the establishment of a fund to compensate victims and provide them with protection and assistance in every Arab country.

تواصلوا معنا عبر الايميل


