القائمة الرئيسية


I work Hand Made and most of the needs of Dream Catchers


I Hadeer Ibrahim

I am 22 years old

Graduated from English trade, Ain Shams

I work Hand Made and most of the needs of Dream Catchers because I love them so much, and I learned in the workshop of the first need, and frankly, I did not look at the workshop for the first thing. The need comes out like me. I want and I want to do different things. I am still at the beginning. I need some support, just as people

Know me and know about my bid

This is a link to Facebook


And the Instagram link

https://www.instagram.com/p/CI_S6BbAZ3a/?igshid=dfqnx03hrkueI am 22 years old

Graduated from English trade, Ain Shams

I work Hand Made and most of the needs of Dream Catchers because I love them so much, and I learned in the workshop of the first need, and frankly, I did not look at the workshop for the first thing. The need comes out like me. I want and I want to do different things. I am still at the beginning. I need some support, just as people

Know me and know about my bid

This is a link to Facebook


And the Instagram link


to contact us



