Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, inaugurated the International Scientific Conference Japan - Africa for Electronics, Communications and Computers, via video conference technology, organized by the School of Electronics, Communications and Computer Engineering at the Egyptian Japanese University of Science and Technology in Alexandria, in cooperation with Kyushu University, Japan.
The conference will discuss a range of themes, including (the field of Internet of Things, applications of biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence and fifth generation technology) and other fields of engineering and electronics.
Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar congratulated the conference organizers for holding the conference at this time despite the challenges of the emerging corona virus pandemic.
Abdel Ghaffar pointed to the need to continue to support scientific cooperation between Egyptian and Japanese universities, and to work on linking researchers in Egypt, Japan, Africa and the world at large.
Abdel Ghaffar also valued the Egyptian Japanese University's rapid response to the “Digital Egypt Builders” initiative as part of the “Egypt Vision 2030” initiative, which President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi referred to during his inauguration of the new university campus last September. The initiative includes programs in the fields of the Internet of things and information engineering. And cyber security, in line with the Egyptian state’s trend in developing infrastructure and building smart cities such as the new administrative capital.
The minister touched on the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research's aspiration to build partnerships between Egyptian universities and research centers with leading international universities, in order to put Egypt on the map of scientific and academic excellence locally and internationally, as is the case in the new private universities such as universities (Al-Majala, King Salman, Al-Alamein and New Mansoura). And to communicate with Egyptian professors, scholars and specialists from all over the world to benefit from their knowledge experiences and permanent and continuous development in the fields of higher education and Egyptian scientific research.
In his speech, Dr.Ahmed El-Gohary, President of the Egyptian Japanese University, confirmed that 21 scientific papers were accepted out of a total of 38 research papers, which were submitted for publication at the conference, and a distinguished group of specialists from Japan, Egypt, Sweden, Canada, Australia, China, Malaysia, the United States of America and Korea participated in the evaluation of the research.
Al-Gohary stated that the university has academic partnerships with Japanese universities and applies Japanese systems in education based on projects and laboratory studies, and that the university awards joint degrees for masters and doctorates in the fields of electronics and computer science jointly with Kyushu University of Japan.
The university president praised the new projects and expansions in the university's buildings, which were inaugurated recently, and supported the bonds of cooperation between the Egyptian Japanese University and Japan to graduate batches of scholars in specializations that keep pace with the requirements of the labor market.
The discussion sessions at the conference will deal with advanced research in a variety of axes, where researchers will present their latest findings and the results of their research accepted for publication at the conference.
And Dr. Satoshi Goto, Vice President of the Egyptian Japanese University for Research, said that the conference, in its eighth session, reflects the university’s interest in scientific research and the promotion of inventions and joint cooperation between Egyptian and Japanese scientists to develop industry at the local and global levels.
The opening session of the conference was attended by Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Gohary - President of the Egyptian Japanese University, Dr. Mohamed Abu Zuhad - Dean of the School of Electronics, Communications and Computer Engineering and President of the Conference, Dr. Koji Anoui at Kyushu University of Japan and Chairman of the Co-Conference from the Japanese side, and Dr. Satoshi Goto - Vice President of the Egyptian Japanese University For research, Dr. Ahmed Hassan - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
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